Sunday, November 21, 2010

A Fraction of the Whole

I'm not sure if I've discussed my cookbook problem with you before, but I have a sickness. I love to buy cookbooks. I may never make a single recipe from it, but I just love the idea of cookbooks. I can't control myself either. Amazon makes it so easy to purchase books on their website, I just lose track, and before I know it, my shopping cart is full, I qualify for Super Saver Shipping and I can't even remember what it was I ordered in the first place. Here are some of my favorites from my bookshelves below.

Nigella was one of my first loves - I thought her Domestic Goddess cookbook had such a clever title, and it was one of the first cookbooks I ever bought. I'll always buy her cookbooks, even though her on air personality kind of drives me bananas - all her gushing over food and licking spoons and nonsense. I don't think I'm a prude, but what the hell Nigella, do up the top button of your blouse!

I bought the Professional Baking cookbook when I first realized that I loved baking, but didn't want to enrol in the baking program at the technical school in my city. I figured it was like a text book for school which helped me justify the $100+ price tag for it. I just thought about all the money I would be saving by not enrolling in the courses, and instead, just teach myself how to become a professional baker (like it was hard or something). In case you're wondering, I didn't.

Contrary to the below cookbooks, I'm not actually from the south, nor do I regularly cook fried chicken. However, I do love butter and bacon, so that explains the Paula Deen and Pioneer Woman books. Also, the one that is titled Fat  (cancelling out any goodwill from the Diabetes Desserts cookbook above it) is also self explanatory. I'm always looking for ways to incorporate bacon fat into my diet, and I suggest you do the same.

This demonstrates a small fraction of my cookbook collection - the rest are scattered throughout my house, on coffee tables, night stands and kitchen drawers. I always tell myself I will stop buying more, but like an addict who wants just one last hit, I can't, I just love having them around. Please tell me I'm not the only one with a random weakness - confess your addictions in the comments below!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

About That List...

So I think it will be a surprise to no one when I mention that I haven’t made huge in roads on my list yet. Shocking, I know. I think I have a semi-reasonable excuse. I have been busy! I was taking a night class once a week, which THANK GOD it is over – although the instructor was enthusiastic and knowledgeable about the subject matter, the subject matter was information systems for human resources and I realized sitting there for 5 weeks that I don’t really care that much about where to store employee information. New hires could write their contact info and social insurance number on the back of a napkin for all I care, I would still accept it. I’m a big fan of not overcomplicating things and an information system seems complicated.

So I had the class on Wednesday nights, plus I was working my bartending gig on Monday nights, which was only supposed to be temporary, but 3 months later I was still doing it (I’m done now), so that kept me busy, and obviously I had to watch my shows on Sunday nights (Mad Men/The Walking Dead – Boardwalk Empire/Dexter), so there was that too. As you can see, I’ve got a lot of stuff going on!

Either way, I’m back now, and even with my unbelievably busy schedule (snerk), I think I can cross something off my list. I have developed some basic Adobe Illustrator skills. Woot woot! Yes friends, I know how to use the program I bought so long ago. I met with one of my co-workers who is quite tech savvy and skilled in all things Adobe, and quite frankly has the patience of a saint (how many times can you tell one person “hold the Shift button and drag” with a smile on your face every time I would hit Control and drag? I was ready to knock my own ass out on her behalf), and for the price of one Tim Horton’s coffee, she showed me the ropes. Obviously I’m not going to be some crazy web designer or something all of a sudden, but I can do a bunch of stuff – invitations, announcements, cupcake toppers. I’m telling you – I have been loving the power I wield with this skill. I can make my own stuff – my Etsy spending has decreased significantly now that I know what I’m (sort of) doing, and all I want to do is plan parties so I have an excuse to use my new skills. So, I would say, success – it took me a while, but slow and steady wins the race.

What do you think I should tackle next? I’ve added even more books to the cook book collection, so perhaps croissants are in order? Let me know!